Board Member
Sharon Gilbert
Andrea Nelson
Amy Wagner
Board Member
Dan Broten
Tammy Fosse
Board Member
Craig Seeman
Annual Events
Updates Coming Soon
Trinity Center
The building was built in 1898 and served both the Lutherans and Catholics as a place of worship of the area for over 100 years.
Trinity Center members continue efforts to turn the building into an event center for future use and will be an additional asset to the community.
A 2021 grant has been submitted to the MN Historical Society for steeple and bell tower repair and restoration estimated at $130,000.00.
Contact Us
Any of these members would be happy to answer your questions about the Trinity Center. If you would like to volunteer your time to help with events and/or repairs please contact the following:
Tammy Fosse: 701-212-3408 email: tfosse@aol.com
Trinity Center Email: henningtrinitycenter@gmail.com