The community is the driving force behind every school and the people of Henning School District take pride in their school and support the district full heartedly. In 2012, the supporters passed an Operating Levy with over a 70% support rate.
The Henning School is a K-12 school building, which serves 370+ students. The Henning School District is comprised of the Henning, Vining and Ottertail communities. Over the past few years, the Henning School has bolstered some of the best state test scores in the area. The Henning Elementary School has been named an Award School by the Minnesota Department of Education. With continuous community support and a dedicated staff, the Henning School is able to offer many 21st Century opportunities in a small school
Would you like to be involved in supporting Early Childhood experiences in Henning? Contact the Henning School to become a member of the Early Childhood Initiative (E.C. I). If you know any one who has recently just had a newborn and has not had any other children please contact Caring Connections at 1-866-226-9986.
This link will take you to the Henning Public School website which lists education, health, and other support services for families with young children. Click on the early childhood family education link when you are at this website.