Elections and Voting
Polling Location
Henning City Hall
612 Front Street
Henning, MN 56551
City Hall Elections
The Clerk’s office is responsible for supervising and running the local municipal election, as well as assisting the State in statewide elections. The Clerk’s office endeavors to conduct the elections with the highest integrity possible.
Become an Election Official
If you would like to serve as an election official on a precinct board, contact the Otter Tail County Elections office at 218-998-8040.
Primary Elections
Presidential Primary Election will be held:
Primary Election will be held:
General Election will be held:
Local Elections
Local Filing Period Opens:
Local Filing Period Closes:
Absentee Voting
Use this application for federal, state, and county elections. Voters may choose to vote by absentee ballot for any election held in Minnesota conducted under state law. While no reason is needed to vote by absentee ballot, a completed absentee ballot application is required. The absentee ballot application and instructions may be obtained by clicking the link shown below. A completed application can be returned by mail, email, fax, in person, or directly online.
Absentee Voting by US Mail
Otter Tail County, 510 West Fir Avenue, Fergus Falls, MN 56537
(Note: allow 2-3 business days for ample mailing time so that it is received on or before election day)
To complete this application online you must:
Be eligible to register and vote in Minnesota
Provide an email address
Provide your identification number: MN-issued driver’s license, Minnesota ID card or last 4 digits of Social Security Number
Eligible to Vote in Minnesota
To be eligible to vote in Minnesota you must:
Be at least 18 years old on Election Day
Be a citizen of the United States
Have resided in Minnesota for 20 days immediately preceding Election Day
Have any felony conviction record discharged, expired, or completed
Not be under court-ordered guardianship where a court has revoked your voting rights
Not have been ruled legally incompetent by a court of law if you are an active military or overseas voter, do not use this application.
Absentee Lookup
If you already submitted your application, do not submit another one online; use the Absentee Ballot Lookup to find out where your absentee ballot is in the process, or contact your county election office.